
Best Sugar alternatives that you can use at home

If you know that sugar is bad for our body , then it is very good . If you do not then please check out this  : how sugar ruining your health The refined table sugar that we generally use is made from much chemical processing and it has no nutritional value . Its daily conumption increases fat percentage in body , also causes wrinkles , bad breath , bad teeth and increases risk of diabetes . so we need to change it. Now , we will be talking about best sugar alternatives . First of all let me clear that I will not be talking about those artificial sugar free powders that are sold in market because they are very harmful for your health . We will talk about natural and healtheir alternatives . Lets begin : 1.) Stevia  or Meethi Tulsi   It is a natural sweetner. 1gm stevia powder is equivalent in sweetness to 4-5 tea spoons of sugar  . while sugar 80 empty calories and stevia has 0 calories .  Studies have proved that stevia is free of any side effect . It is much sweeter tha

How sugar is ruining your health ? sugar health . sugar : a poison

. A thing most of people eat and it works as a poison for our body . If you do not eat this then you are going towards a healthy life . It is SUGAR .  YES ! Sugar is a poison for your body . You may take it as a eatable item to sweeten up your food  . But it is very harmful for you .  Sugar is just empty calorie because the normal table sugar that we use in our home is a refined sugar and it has empty calorie which means the calorie present in it will not provide you any energy .They will just stored in your body and increase your weight .  So , the question arises what are the alternatives of sugar to sweeten our food . Well , thank fully there are some . You can use Stevia ; it is a natural sweetner . It has no side effects . You can also use Jaggery . Now , i want to tell you something very important i.e You should not use Artificial sweetneer like sugar free because they have aspartime which causes paralysis .

look handsome : Make your skin and hair healthy by doing 10 minutes

In this busy world , we do not have so much time to look after our skin or so much on your health . In this post I will share you how to make your skin or any organ healthy [ for normal person ] . You will look more handsome/beautiful and much confident with this technique . This is a very small technique . You do not have to physical excercise or something that will tire you . So now , let me tell you everything . If you skin looks dull or your hairs are not good or you feel tired . You must do this . I guarantee you this gonna change things for you .  WHAT IS IT ? IT IS A SIMPLE  PRANAYAM   . Let me tell you what you have to do and how you have to do ? 1. sit with your back straight [ you can take some support if you feel pain on your back ]  2. Then close your eyes 3. You just have to focus on your breath . Inhale till 10 seconds and then hold the breathed air for 10 seconds in your Lungs . Then exhale slowly for 10 seconds .             repeat it many times . guys